Clemens August Graf von Galen and the Jewish Underground, by Countess Sigrid von Galen

Clemens August Graf von Galen and the Jewish Underground, 

by Countess Sigrid von Galen 

Very little has found its way to the public about Clemens August Graf von Galen and his secret support, not just in prayer, of the Jewish underground.

And it might be good that way, as he and his friends knew that even after the end of the horrible WWII and the emerging of the true dimensions of the Holocaust, the betrayal of the underground was and is still ongoing.

The still living perpetrators were either given new identities and shelter in other countries, where they continued their fascist Empire ambitions and raised in expectation of a new rise of the old spiderwebs one day new generations of self-styled 'superior beings'.

Clemens August von Galen was even asked by his Jewish friends, 
not to speak out on their behalf for fear of repercussions and even more retaliation. 

But the friendships and secret underground connections did exist and are very much alive also now, although much has been kept under lock by the second generation towards the third and fourth.

But raised in an air of mystery and secrecy, out of sheer survival, 
stories at the family table became a source of solid information and when connected with the facts 
later in life one was able to recognise a repeating situation or was fed by 'strangers' the missing pieces of a documentation...

I was only told upon my father's death that he was in fact Clemens August Graf von Galen's son, something that lingered in manifold ways in my family, and which became thus my burden, and my personal cross to bear with the responsibility towards my now extended family to defend the truth
and to fight disinformation.

Sadly, my grandfather/s were betrayed by many, not least by the hidden fascists or purposeful warmongers in also other nations.

The same warnings that my grandfather uttered are evermore 
urgent now and, in many ways, his worst nightmares have been
even amplified and his concerns have not just come true but have also been in parts silently legalised.

More than ever has Fascism become intertwined via secret societies and networks with political power instruments and organised criminality alike.

We are all called now to make a stand against Fascism and organised criminality, as they high-finance also any kind of terrorism, leaving third-parties and individuals to do their dirty work.

It often starts with recruiting the oblivious and ignorant, who then
become partners in crime eventually by association and who might have been initially 'just' accepting bribery, that they mistook for gifts.

And suddenly, the recruits are asked to slander, to lie and to create schism in their community - to isolate the targets, who are being presented as the 'enemy'.

The move to death threats and attacks is often swift, even instrumentalising access to keys and cars and cabs, and for helping to dispose a body, when given a lift...

The reality of fascism intertwined with organised criminality seems to have worsened even since my grandfathers' time that they spent in the underground against fascism.

Nowadays we are facing plots at a fast pace by vast networks that operate also on tiniest scales and with independent sleepers in almost any place, and via technology the Paymasters can even watch the action from space...

For a long time the dark fascist forces within the Vatican silenced 
their targets, including the von Galen family. But I lived also parts of my grandfathers' story to tell, and it makes quite a horrific reading, what was done to whistleblowers under abuse of the papal immunity and seal!

It is promising though that even a cardinal has a hard time these days finally, to get off the hook for being a criminal and crook. Time to expose the highest perpetrators for what they really are, and share, what already Graf von Galen and my maternal grandfather had to endure. 

The truth is the way, and to
let the perpetrators face the music they thought they chose for their inthronisation, might just be for justice and peace the right cure!!!

Sigrid Gräfin von Galen

