There is no place like home! To some it is somewhere over the rainbow and in a humble kitchen hearth somewhere in heaven on earth, as in a dome of a pope there is always an evildoer, who does devilish incantations instead of intercessions mumble, but in a von Galen kitchen one gets day and night apple crumble, and nobody about the truth or at the living truth frets! By Sigrid von Galen

There is no place like home! To some it is somewhere over the rainbow and in a humble kitchen hearth somewhere in heaven on earth, as in a dome of a pope there is always an evildoer, who does devilish incantations instead of intercessions mumble, but in a von Galen kitchen one gets day and night apple crumble, and nobody about the truth or at the living truth frets!

By Sigrid von Galen

There is no place like home! To some it is somewhere over the rainbow and in a humble kitchen hearth somewhere in heaven on earth,
but certainly not in a Sunday morning show of pomp and circumstance under a dome that secretly celebrates the death of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala, and even of John the Baptist and Lazarus under sulphur breath and evil double-tongued and artificially prolongued incantations, as in the latter places are hidden under masks also faces, who pour quietly instead of wine poison into the cup from a Vatican flask and who curse instead of pray in their intercessions!

And home is only, wherever the truth has a place in the hearts of human beings, who saw even in their dreams the real cross stations of the true holy family of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala and who answered wherever they were the voiceless' screams!

But the popes and their hierarchies of evil are not welcome in our home of truth, as they took even from Clemens August von Galen and his family even posthumously almost their faith and hopes for justice, peace and truth and the return of Jesus Christ into their midst but the one good God did fit all things to the truth miraculously and the Holy Spirit brings the one and only Master of the Universe now home free of a rotten and unbegotten Vatican see!

And the popes can't even afford anymore in any shore their golf tee fee, and are personae non gratae even but by all means not just in Oxford and will have to start to walk to Canossa in Mimigerneford and put wrong right and end the longest and most unholy unbiblical smokescreen fight and that was even umbilical!

'Thus speaks THE Lord!' Jesus Christ is the living truth and law and Jorge Bergoglio was finally caught on camera in his own secret society draw, when he drew for an assassination in another nation the straw! And a certain trump card no longer can be played, as he also from all that is good and decent and true and holy in a templars and knights of Columbus roly poly with his bribery and bullying even in cyber with double-agents turned triple mercenaries strayed!

And in plain German says Clemens August von Galen:'
'Zuhause ist, wo das toedliche Schweigen der Karthause ist verbannt,
denn die Satellitenschuessel vom Hahnstaettener ZDF-London Studio wurde vom MI5 als Stoerungsquelle erkannt und als Spionage- und programmiertes Mordinstrument des Vatikan ausserhalb von Fellows Court sicher verbrannt. Und die dazugehoerige Box wurde von der heimlichen Ratzinger Papsttochter persoenlich als Instrument des Terrorismus manipuliert und sie hat meine Familie bewusst infiltriert und mithilfe vieler dunkler Ritterorden eine ganze Gegend terrorisiert und auch Konten des Vatikan frisiert und das ZDF, wie es ihr und ihrem Vater passte, zensiert und darueber selbst jeder Studioleiter erblasste! Tja, ganz schoen evil axis, diese teufelsanbetende Ratzinger-Taxis, und der Pumuckl vom Meister Eder sagt mit der Weissen Rose:'Wir haben da bei der Gloria gesehen so eine merkwuerdige Schnupftabakdose...'

Sigrid von Galen
NEC LAUDIBUS NEC TIMORE (James John Westcott House (James John Westcott House)

@instcrimjust @jjwestcotthouse @sigridvongalen
