The perfect ratio of truth could have been long achieved and passed on, if not so many universities and commissions - not just for history - had been acting as academical con on behalf of a silent minority who did override via their spiderweb of secret societies almost all truth and who did impose their monopoly on heresy, especially via the organised criminality of freemasonry, Templars, Hospitallers and other such 'into the big silencing' entities! By Sigrid von Galen

The perfect ratio of truth could have been long achieved and passed on, if not so many universities and commissions - not just for history - had been acting as academical con on behalf of a silent minority who did override via their spiderweb of secret societies almost all truth and who did impose their monopoly on heresy, especially via the organised criminality of freemasonry, Templars, Hospitallers and other such 'into the big silencing' entities!

By Sigrid von Galen

The perfect ratio of truth could have been long achieved and passed on, if not so many universities and commissions - not just for history - had been acting as academical con on behalf of a silent minority who did override via their spiderweb of secret societies almost all truth and who did impose their monopoly on heresy, especially via the organised criminality of freemasonry, Templars, Hospitallers and other such 'into the big silencing' entities!

How enlightening an experience of learning and gaining and refining knowledge and passing on of peaceful and society enriching tradition could have been every suppressed or withheld fragment of information or invention of numerous an anonymous brilliant mind and inspirational soul!

How many true teachers and writers and creators and recreators of science and arts have been robbed of their work, their recognition or did not even get a chance in academic or artistic progress to enhance due to silent and secretive opening or shutting of doors on invisible floors behind silent or whispering walls and double spying ceilings?!

Not to forget the strategical talent spotting that secret societies tend to be in contests or as competitions disguised recruitment slotting, only to be slandering an original in the making just when the work comes to fruition, and to leave its maker rotting in a vicious circle, at best, or to kill the
inventor or author off, who might challenge the status quo of a secret society and disrupt or question
its own power transition in many a nation - 
in fact in any, where the spiderweb and ratlines and werewolves routes of old organisations like the fascist inner circle of the Vatican are intact also within agencies and embassies and unknown zones on maps in other countries!

How interesting that eventually always the same pattern is emerging after a while, when an academic or artist or fellow of a commission gets himself bribed and climbs up on the snake's ladder visibly, and always in the centres and branches, where strongest is freemasonry and other such secretive and criminal society, and which are stated in a CV that has written all over it a Rome to Dover secret blackhole money and offshore account 'airmile'!

And some top it all and put on already on another's crown or laurel, at the cost of their victim with integrity's life cost, whom they killed not just in reputation but also in a group of top fours in a nursing home disguised as a gift of poisoned Petits Fours as a lethal coup courtesy of a Josef Ratzinger ordered via the Muenster Dome! 

Is it any wonder that with such monopolists, who play with crooked cards and who disregard true sages and bards, who spread the free bread without wages, because the former want to be seen as experts and elitists, as they are keen velvet neo-fascists, are suddenly posing as 
the latter and flock and mock the true spiritual church of Jesus Christ by threatening his real flock to fry their severed bodyparts in lard?!

And such pseudo-academics are secretly meeting even in the Shard and in Berlin with an Josef Ratzinger and Jorge Bergoglio selection of top Drury lane with blackhole cash financed grand masters, who seek from Interpol defection, as their immunity has expired and also their impunity, and for their crimes against humanity, never mind their academic heresy but for their organised criminality Clemens August von Galen points at the Lamberti Cages!

One only needs to cut through all the smokescreen crap and put the truth in all creeds on the map, and all true human beings live peacefully together in human dignity and in peace they inspire by exchanging freely their gifts to heal from all artificially created dark matters and by blackhole money financed and created rifts! Then even every Swiss mountain top and Italian hill shifts and the popes
have finally to pay not just their open bill but will also be taken into custody without immunity by the good old London Bill!

Now, that is a long not just by the von Galen family expected thrill!

Einrichtung:Seminar für Mittlere und Neuere Kirchengeschichte
Postanschrift:Robert-Koch-Straße 40 | D-48149 Münster
Dienstsitz:Robert-Koch-Straße 40 | Zimmer 113 | D-48149 Münster
Telefonnummern:Tel.: +49 251 83-22626 | Fax: +49 251 83-22636
Dienstag, 13.09.2016 von 15 bis 16 Uhr
HINWEIS: Herr Prof. Wolf wird ab dem 15. September 2016 (für ein Jahr) ein Fellowship am Wissenschaftskolleg in Berlin antreten, so dass er für eine längere Zeit keine Sprechstundentermine anbieten kann. 

Sigrid von Galen
NEC LAUDIBUS NEC TIMORE (James John Westcott House)
@instcrimjust @CTraumastudies @sigridvongalen
