Not just in Telford: Shared from BBC News: Inquiry into Child sexual and ritual abuse: It is high time to call white collar crime by its name and put those, who abuse immunity&seal for an impunity deal to shame and into an Interpol frame, By Sigrid Countess von Galen

Not just in Telford: Shared from BBC News:
Inquiry into Child sexual and ritual abuse: It is high time to call white collar crime by its name and put those, who abuse immunity&seal for an impunity deal to shame and into an Interpol frame,

By Sigrid Countess von Galen

A Sunday mass or a Halloween party can for many children end in ritual and sexual abuse in their parents' or godparents' or a whole hierarchy of evil's secret den, even under a roof of Wren, where all clack symbolically with a stick or heel with their hoof!

Costumes, masks, vestments, ritual knives, swords - for sexually and ritually abused children and older victims these are often instruments of utmost evil and trigger each time the memories of the same crime in the battered souls! 

Remember this and be mindful, when a vulnerable person is suffering from silent agony mentally and physically in the face of events that involve masquerades i.e. at a carnival or at Halloween as well as in church or other ritual processions, as to victims of abuse in events like this their hope was shattered and they still feel and smell and hear and see in their mind all the fouls!

Child sexual and ritual abuse: It is high time to call white collar crime by its name and put those, who abuse immunity&seal for an impunity deal to shame and into an Interpol frame,
not just the real culprits in Telford but also from Hamburg over Rome, Muenster and Oxford to just anywhere, here and there, in the world, where adults subject children to being drugged and to rape and slaughter in rites on altars or in homes or under pyramid roofs,

or  under domes, where the victims might have to meet the perpetrators even on a Sunday on a pulpit  and greet them during the week meek and respectfully in the street, whilst the bishops, archbishops, popes or professors or teachers or high court judges, lawyers, officers of highest ranks and all members of a secret lodge or coven or pyramid hierarchy of evil twelves each fake friendship and humility and piety and even sink so low as godparents on their godchildren the devil's curses and spells of hells to bestow under bells!

Victims of sexual and ritual child abuse are not only up against a wall of silence from those, who groom them but they are also further intimidated and threatened by the spiderweb of whole groups, to whom the children are delivered to, and who are hidden in all walks of life, often under white collars and in positions of power and immunity.

As long as the culture of sexual and ritual abuse by secret societies like the freemasons, Satanists and Templars in high circles is not even openly challenged on behalf of the voiceless, all those, who do have a voice and stay silent are guilty of joint enterprise in dangerous association.

 Ritual and sexual child abuse is a silent widespread cancer of society especially in circles of white collars and power, not just in this country, and children from all walks of life are being subjected either as victims and/or witnesses to this culture of evil. Any inquiry of this kind is always sabotaged by the highest inner circles of these cynicle and sinister paedophiles, as long as those with a voice do not point their finger at them and speak out, what is really going on behind closed doors!

 It is high time to change and challenge the perception towards the perpetrators, and not to let anybody off the hook and hide behind immunity, who has abused their authority or seal even for his freemasons lodge to negotiate a secret impunity deal! The truth needs out, as only in the full truth can a victim heal!

And, as it stands, nobody should be above the law, who chooses to slaughter or rape a child, whom he won in a secret society draw via a straw! And some whistleblowers, who have been on duty i.e. as security details, cannot speak out directly due to their official secrets acts clauses, but as a silent witness to heinous plotted crimes their creative mind never pauses, and they might just drop a few straws before a maritime facility out of place to leave for their law enforcement colleagues the right trace, or drop a silicone mask that has been under identitytheft used to frame an innocent man, with whose integrity was played catch-as-catch-can.

But as there is even in the blackest of darkness always a light that shines quietly of the truth bright power can be broken that was abusing its might, when DNA and fingerprints and mails come together with testimonies of victims as a token!

Sigrid Countess von Galen
NEC LAUDIBUS NEC TIMORE (James John Westcott House)

@instcrimjust @CTraumastudies @sigridvongalen
