Report on Corruption and Organised Criminality under abuse of bishops' and diplomatic Immunity and Impunity: Update on Key Findings, By Sigrid Countess von Galen

Report on Corruption and Organised Criminality under abuse of bishops' and diplomatic Immunity and Impunity: 
Update on Key Findings, 
By Sigrid Countess von Galen

Accordingly to victims some churchwardens&priests blew whistle on templar knights and freemason bishops'bugging of vicarages&churches&abused confession confidentiality for blackmail and threatening strategies.

It was emerging that  impunity and diplomatic impunity have been abused systematically internationally by  corrupt church&other hierarchy and that law enforcement officers and whole departments were prevented by threats from enforcing legislation& whistleblowers were put on all kinds of measures of isolation, degradation and deprivation and even attacks on their lives and some were framed or killed and their torture and deaths covered up. 

There is a connection between the Vatican and the Church of England hierarchy via various secretive societies within and outside the churches that are financed by cardinals from the Vatican and they are also implied by whistleblowers in organised criminality and corruption of an unprecendeted scale with culprits even claiming they have impunity and immunity via the Vatican and/or Anglican bishpopry. Bishops like Richard Chartres and former CoE bishop turned Westminster Cathedral RCC priest have given shelter to such criminal networks and have publicly boasted and toasted with getting away with their activities, running multiple  operations via their specially selected churchwardens and a priory in the East End, all also with international links via their extended families. 

A key role in the organised criminality via Drury lane Freemasonry Headquarters and viaTemplar  knights and fascist connections facilitated by the two popes, former and present, played also a former High Court judge, who abused his seal and authority for cover ups, blackmail and plots against the government, HM and other persons of interest strategically, accordingly to former members of lodges, who decided to blow the whistle.

Both bishops, Chartres and Broadhurst, were major keyplayers in their various spiderwebs that facilitated also organised child abuse and trafficking, torture of whistleblowing priests and threats and killings of friends and family of whistleblowers.

Repercussions and threats were also carried out via the Sisters of St Margaret, London and Boston, and also in conjunction with the Clemens sisters in Muenster, accordingly to military chaplains.

These keyplayers were and are by no means the only ones but the most prolific and vicious and greedy, who ran their cohorts and sleepers locally, nationally and internationally, even training children of freemasons and Templar knights on Saturdays Slytherin house style in a school facility in Essex in the dark arts as future and already criminalised spiritual warriors. 

Local charities and schools and nurseries were also hijacked by the priory and infiltrators recruited for the screening of vulnerable children, who would then be systematically pursued either for sex trafficking, organised criminality and/or slander of witnesses. Teenagers would regularly simply disappear, and their parents threatened with repercussions should they speak out, and many were also recruited into a vicious circle of bribery and organised criminality.

The priory also recruited women and men for illegal experiments with sex changing drugs and 'beast hatching', from stolen eggs that were purposefully subjected to gene manipulation and even cloning, accordingly to a whistleblower from the Human tissue authority. Bishops were abusing their diplomatic immunity for these experiments.

Whistleblowing former priests from Brighton admitted to organised criminality, incl. abuse of authority to bully and coax vulnerable parents into forced adoption and to facilitate child abuse in an organised way.

Fake marriages between gay and lesbian priests were systematically arranged and their children be raised in secretive death cult and abuse settings, as were the children of many churchwardens and their own recruits in units of hidden twelves. They would boast openly in church fetes and after mass about their orgies and blood rituals, with even former priests facilitating fake funerals or transport of organs and body parts of victims in church internal funeral directors services.

Officers were also subjected to strategic character assassination, up to the point that departments or taskforces were even dissolved or restructured and the corrupt ones regrouped on all levels, whilst officers with integrity were sidelined or framed.

It was noted that transparency must be in the interest of every nation&that the law enforcement must not be prevented from investigating and prosecuting, but bad fruit of corruption should not be immune from prosecution, especially, where even a royal seal had been abused to facilitate a high court judge's approval of fake&corrupt'top authorisation'. It emerged, f.ex., that even identities and DNA of other persons of high clearance or diplomatic immunity was stolen and used by privileged abusers of impunity to run their own lodges' organised criminality.

Templars and freemasons inflitrate, recruit, build and run units of twelves – on all levels of their degree work they operate on the counter-clockwise system of the ten commandments, and reenforce with tests=unlawful or at least immoral acts the ten commandments as vices. So, accordingly to their degree they have to slander, steal, commit fraud, acquire killing skills and for the highest degree even have to kill, and seal their heinous acts with the blood of their victims and worse. Unexpected deaths (matricide, infanticide or the murder of relatives) in their families aided by poison, medical maltreatment or ritual knife crime and organised cover ups of this are standard features accordingly to whistleblowers. 

It has been established by testimonials and whistleblowers that for every grand master of a lodge with twelve, there is a potential  and real record of crimes committed times twelves and for every ritual knife times was taken a life, as each member is called to recruit their own twelves.

This old system has been intertwined with organised criminality from the beginning of such  templar knights and freemasonry and also other secret societies that started later and emerged as independent smokescreens to disguise the real origin of the Vatican and some other religious entities.

Any pope took over from his predecessor also the instructions including the overlapping and mapping in the see of Dover, as was confirmed by whistleblowing Swiss Guards and cardinals in voluntary inner emigration from their criminal institution. The older a lodge or such secret society the bigger their spiderweb and net of facilities and specialities that they offer also as mercenaries for a bit on the side that they in blackhole tax havens, often via the round table bank in the Vatican, from the treasuries hide.

There are Vatican and Anglican whistleblowers, who pointed at organised criminal human egg theft, blackmailing and threatening women into forced IVF-treatments and surrogacy for religious hierarchy persons of interest and of placing such children out of these 'procedures' strategically in all sorts of families and celebrity status relationships in varying social settings as sleepers, who would be closely monitored and later trained in psychological and other warfare as a secret army. 

Certain orders are featured in this scenario that are also involved with the always the same church officials named, who behind the scenes provide internationally facilities for human trafficking and for illegal experiments on human beings concentration camp style with even mercenary fascist scientists of old and neo-Nazi families. The cardinals and bishops lending their diplomatic impunity status to this under abuse of their authority and immunity have a track record of even open statements in these matters, as they think themselves as untouchables. 

The terrorist threat by these societies is extremely big, as they high finance via an international spiderweb also fascists and extremists and even themselves disguise 'for fun' as such in order to create anarchy and fear across any border because they aim at a new world order, with old style kingdoms and monarchic hierachies.


These plots of high treason have been even boasted in inner fascist/freemasonry/Templars&other secret circles in church&society, who abuse unblushingly and with utter arrogance and unblushingly their impunity for organised criminality and warmongery, accordingly to churchwardens and clergy, who blew under great risk to their lives on the tyranny of the ritual knives the whistle.

Leaders and members of such secret societies raise already their children in the evil spirit with the murdering of everybody, who is in their way or 'bores' them as a real option and with cover ups as a perfect murder possibility in one's grasp and with thr abuse of their wider family as personal battleground and lethal playing field.

Swiss guards and a few Vatican cardinals and archbishops from both, Vatican and Anglican hierarchy did admit that from the level of bishopry all candidates have to give their vow officially to God and Jesus Christ but they do at the same time give an oath to the devil and to reverse all good and to commit evil, as they have to serve Baal, the top demon, whom they passed as a god and his demonology and the snake, and make that also included in the package their secret torture rituals in a sealed wing in the Vatican used for all sorts of torture facilities, and bloody rituals with top hierarchies with their secret society members also from wider higher society playing via a designer dentistry's specification Vampire or bat. This was also confirmed by a dentist from Camden and former 'slaves', who had to serve such hierarchies in naves.

Abuse of impunity in top church hierarchy has led for the whistleblowers  of fears for their own and their family's and friends' lives and  loss of liberty&fears of false allegations.

Accordingly to whistleblowing bishops they abused impunity to strategically slander targeted parents via their churches  to facilitate forced adoptions unlawfully.

Accordingly to whistleblowing clergy,who escaped said they were mugged,raped,gagged&with false allegations tagged&many killed.

Accordingly to  boys&young men they were groomed into male prostitution in secret church hierarchy&into slavery&deprivation of liberty.

Accordingly to many girls they were systematically groomed into secret society ritual abuse under bishop impunity&at age 11 raped and also impregnated  by highest hierarchy.

Accordingly to  whistleblowers from an inner fascist/freemasonry/Templars&other secret circles in church&society they also abused impunity and gained under false pretence access to top secret research facilities and universities, and stole eggs and sperm and medication and equipment on a wide scale regularly and sold on confidential data to mercenaries.
Accordingly to othet report key findings bishops used bribery,threats&sorcery,even silencing&death spellbinding&foremost mob criminality.


Sigrid Countess von Galen
NEC LAUDIBUS NEC TIMORE (James John Westcott House)

@instcrimjust @CTraumastudies @sigridvongalen
