Knock, knock, Bishops, even your former AI and military contractor had enough of being by your hierarchy treated rough and cheated and threatened and exposes you as defector from truth and country and as an injector of an untracable lethal drug - looks like the fascist crooks have been identified for their high treason even by an heir to the throne, who was by you targeted for the kill via a drone and who returns this Remembrance season finally to you your every stone! By Sigrid Countess von Galen

Knock, knock, Bishops, even your former AI and military contractor had enough of being by your hierarchy treated rough and cheated and threatened and exposes you as defector from truth and country and as an injector of an untracable lethal drug - looks like the fascist crooks have been identified for their high treason even by an heir to the throne, who was by you targeted for the kill via a drone and who returns this Remembrance season finally to you your every stone!

By Sigrid Countess von Galen

One day even a Vatican and Anglican inner circle fascist bishops' hierarchy will have to explain, why they purposefully put on the founder of an utterly selfless and peace living and making virtual Abbey of the Holy Rose, the Mother Sigrid Eliora, its creative writer, in all ways evil an invented character stain, and why they had her via their freemasonry associations in joint enterprise repeatedly almost slain, and threatened her with the same death as they did inflict on her friends and some members of her family!

One day, bishops, and higher up in your hierarchies! Sooner rather than later, if I may say so, as from what I get from a holy man and father and his fellow-victims and witnesses in evidence shows you in the frame of organised criminality and crimes against humanity in utmost pestilence, decadence and arrogance - as you still think you can kill unhinderedly and unnoticedlyunder abuse of immunity and the victims and witnesses and whistleblowers' cups with poisoned sherry of a Lambeth Palace wine cellar cask from a flask into your Judas cup fill!

But, you see, you frightened even this and that pseudo-nun with your tit-for-tat and they blow the whistle by pointing at their bin, where they had to let disappear the evidence of YOUR crimes and sin! And they do suddenly no longer evil at your victims grin, as they know already that they and you won't your war against the truth anymore in any shore win!

You got for far too long away with your churchwardens and their strategical placements and revival of the structures of the old Kray spiderweb! As not just your tactics are repeating itselves but also the names in this lame game already in the third and fourth generation, having spread by your criminal mouldy and heretical bread even internationally!

Not to speak of your own fascist family shelves fillings with your loose ends killings and your evil streak even via the IVF-technology illegally spread! Your victims even from the dead are evermore willing to testify and you won't be able to construct a new fable, when they suddenly emerge and around a highest clearance table against you with the facts of your most criminal acts merge!

Having lately plotted again the mass killing of pilgrims?! Well,the security agencies you so despise did fortunately all intelligence in time to each other telepathically tell, as some former allies of yours broke your silencing spells and survived a stroke, and no longer denied that you collectively the truth and the law defied and your patterns of behaviour and communication just in time spotted!

That is, what happens, if you conspire with Templars and their secret table top dancers and admire witchcraft and hire a Russian black widow, who with yet third and fourth tiers military subcontractors and hackers put on for the public about her late husband a high court show and all the wrong parties with the fascists and freemasons amongst you knotted!

And when you are so keen to be as a future fascist king or warlord of a den as a trump on a private golf course in Scotland to be seen, and at another time plot organised crime in an East End church from the lurch and sell Templar raffle tickets over a can of Mr Sheen!

One of these days, bishops, archbishops, cardinals and popes! One day soon, you will stumble over the simple truth that you did my grandfather Clemens August Graf von Galen and our wider family and my daughter and me betray, and your secret new world order church via Anglican-Vatican-American fascist triangular church constellation also with the Lutheran denomination in Germany and its fascist and freemasonry network as your executing illegal authority will tumble, as your every sandcastle will crumble - don't worry, we won't forcefeed you for extracting a confession with a Nazi-designed torture spoon - but you might find yourselves ridiculed to full but in abstract recognition in a broadcast of a cartoon!

Just make anymore concessions on your confessiins towards the agencies, whom you pester with your request for protection and with defection and immunity! And your own AI machine pushes the button for the broadcast's remote Langley ignition with the blessing of all good government leaders, who wanted to make peace and whom you sabotaged all the way through! You had the longst time with your organised crime and murderous raging messing free way - you will have to make to Canossa finally eventually your way!

