You know in your heart, where to find the truth. Just live it! But for that you need to first believe in it, and then your soul might your memory of the simple creed free of greed in the one good God of Light retrieve! By Sigrid Countess von Galen

You know in your heart, where to find the truth. Just live it! But for that you need to first believe in it, and then your soul might your memory of the simple creed free of greed in the one good God of Light retrieve!

By Sigrid Countess von Galen

 But if you threw at the truth stones under secret society cones or tried to kill it off and to replace it with AI via clones from the pulpit, pew or drones, or if you smeared it with your own foul, then from Peter becomes again a Saul. That is, what happens, if you lied to and sold on your friends and family under abuse of immunity! 

As even more than one pope was the truth foretold but he rather became a con and signed assassination orders under codename El Eljon and rather scried in black mirrors with heretics and consorted with organised criminals and blackmailed and spied from his shadow world, although he the truth knew about Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene's holy matrimony and their both lives being one of sanctity, and of their children who were not granted by the Judas disciples and another Jesus' twelves succession to be a living family! 

The truth never ever made on itself a concession but was silenced for far too long by idols worshipping mercenaries in vestments, who spread infestments with their piratery black gold in blackhole investments instead of handing out for free the truth as daily bread! 

The Vatican top hierarchy with its nowadays even openly and arrogantly boasted organised criminality does not waste a moment of hesitation to also choose as means for world domination crimes to sponsor mercenaries and terrorists and extremists to do their dirty work and to commit in deniability preferably via a shadow freemasonry hierarchy and their Templar times old spiderwebs crimes against humanity internationally. 

It hs come to the point that even popes are now dangerous company and a criminal liability to many, as many leaders of a community, county or country was bullied and blackmailed or threatened ad libidum by the Vatican into plots and cover ups blindly either personally or taken ransom with an institution, department or ministry!

But no amount of pomp and circumstance and elocution can wipe out or talk away the truth anymore in any shore, as to the victims i.e. of sexual and ritual abuse, torture, illegal human experimentation, human trafficking, organ harvesting, and other such heinous organised Vatican sponsored and its hierarchy's offshore accounts benefiting ultimately, the culprits are well known, and the victims tremble in fear and disgust at the snobs on the pulpits, who even buy for cash from neighbours fobs to gain access at night for a tour of rape or criminal damage or physical assault and even murder in a clique of twelves under masks!

And the higher the ranks of pranks they also fill up their flasks with poisoned sherry from a Lambeth palace special cask! Accordingly to some repentant sinners, who no longer consider themselves en route between Lambeth Palace to Canary Wharf on the waterways winners! And they no longer belong to the death cult of evil grinners! As back at them came their own stones and slander and black magic curses hidden as prayers and contemplation and intercession and in the pew they find suddenly the purses, from which they stole and everybody knew, not just the mole!

And any liability the popes to an ally of evil they have either repaid in cash, property or dopes, or they simply hired yet another mercenary to kill off the loose ends even via their inner fascist circles in official agencies, framing and falsely shaming the ones with integrity by photoshopping unassuming officers in a different location with a Templar maid 

Now not just the popes of all denominations and societies of organised notorieties will drown in the self-pity and bloodstained floods of their rotten and unbegotten unholy see! But the truth and her believers are from the slavery of evil free and serve no longer to the devil as his empty shell contents' but only evermore with Interpol his sceletons and dead bodies' retrievers in every shore!

The truth made itself heard and takes off every culprit not just from the pulpit their fake beard! And when the truth finally also arrives anonymously in every dome, there are not left any popes, cardinals and bishops, as they will be under arrest, and re being brought to a place, from where they can no longer the world with their envy, greed, lust and obsession with world dominion with their hidden and forbidden hierarchies infest!

Sigrid Countess von Galen
NEC LAUDIBUS NEC TIMORE (James John Westcott House)
@instcrimjust @CTraumastudies @sigridvongalen
