Sigrid Countess von Galen NEC LAUDIBUS NEC TIMORE http://clemensaugustvongaleninstitute.tumblr.com http://sigridvongalen.tumblr.com (James John Westcott House) http://clemensaugustvongaleninstitute.blogspot.com http://thepeacegallery.tumblr.com http://sigridvongalendiary.tumblr.com http://theinstituteforcriminologyandjustice.wordpress.com @instcrimjust @CTraumastudies @sigridvongalen
Thank you to those kind souls, who came to me as messengers in that fateful January 2008! You know, who you are! And who did under danger for their own lives vital information with the authorities share! Never underestimate the awakening conscience of even biggest culprits, when suddenly an announcement is being made from freemasonry free pulpits, as no longer holds a tight grip on its numerous victims a most unholy and as church posing fascist see!