Cyber Commander VERA from Spaceship ‘Code C10’: 'We are cyber peacekeepers and peacemakers - let’s get tough on the cybersecurity and warmongering round table financiers with the facts of their criminal cyber acts,and especially on the peace and justice talk fakers, who are really dice throwing scarecrowing life takers and piety fakers! By Sigrid Countess von Galen

Cyber Commander VERA from Spaceship 'Code C10': 'We are cyber peacekeepers and peacemakers -

 let's get tough on the cybersecurity and warmongering round table financiers with the facts of their criminal cyber acts,and especially on the peace and justice talk fakers, who are really dice throwing scarecrowing life takers and piety fakers! 

By Sigrid Countess von Galen

And testify yourself, if you have been threatened with a knife or poison or were raped or blackmailed or inundated with forms of psychological warfare! Don't stay silent! SHARE with our law agencies, you know with whom by now, and make to peace, justice and truth the right move and show that you about your fellow peacemakers in cyberspace truly care!

By Sigrid von Galen

Cyber Commander VERA from Spaceship 'Code C10': 'We are cyber peacekeepers and peacemakers - let's get tough on the cybersecurity and warmongering round table financiers with the facts of their criminal cyber acts,and especially on the peace and justice talk fakers, who are really dice throwing scarecrowing life takers and piety fakers! And testify yourself, if you have been threatened with a knife or poison or were raped or blackmailed or inundated with forms of psychological warfare! Don't stay silent! SHARE with our law agencies, you know with whom by now, and make to peace, justice and truth the right move and show that you about your fellow peacemakers in cyberspace truly care!

And get the hack our diplomats out of that Vatican egomaniacs hell with a round table bell - now those criminals want to impose their eons old crusade as a jihad on the world and high-finance rather the mercenaries for their dirty work & want to frame us cyber peacekeepers and every humble and hPCommander Vera, Cyberspaceship 'Code C10': Threefold Debriefing: Mr Josef Ratzinger no,longer does, what he is by Mr Jorge Bergoglio told and surrenders to Den Hague Starchamber, and confesses all, including the reasons for his downfall!'

