Child Abuse is a Holocaust of Souls, by Sigrid Countess von Galen

Child Abuse is a Holocaust of Souls, 

by Sigrid Countess von Galen

Child abuse is a holocaust of souls, as the perpetrators aim to destroy the essence of sacred trust, survival and humanity, they take away systematically and purposefully human dignity and rob the innocent of their childhood and override and block with drugs and threats and torture even memories via a conspiracy of dark forces.

These forces have names and faces, and we meet them on a daily basis in public and familiar places! The perpetrator could be the VIP father, who with his freemason and/or Templar lodge rapes his own child and has her repeatedly abused even by her dentist with a mask, who fits on a different occasion not just braces but also implants electronic devices.

Paper trails and DNA and other evidence leave traces! If you know of or suspect that CSA or ritual abuse is being committed, call Europol, and you might just prevent the next crime and another victim's ordeal, as you have with your observation the voiceless your voice lent!

That is time and energy well spent! Point the finger at those, who are hell bent and terrorise and cover up their crimes not just individually but concertedly via their secret society affiliations internationally, as often the perpetrators also facilitate for each other's mates organised CSA in other nations in all sorts of out of hour settings of organised criminality, including killing as blood sports for the bored, who unblushingly lie even in public speeches and debates...

Needless to say that even popes, arch/bishops and cardinals go one day back into the clay, when their victims of CSA and ritual abuse united via the law agencies with the prosecution worldwide, locally and nationally fuse and the purposeful smokescreens of the fascist new world order rapists across every border diffuse!

