Learning from the Past for the Future! Beyond Brexit, A Series by Sigrid Countess von Galen

Learning from the Past for the Future! Beyond Brexit, 

A Series by Sigrid Countess von Galen

As a third generation child, I grew up like so many blissfully ignorant of the circumstances of my own family, and that one of my late grandfathers was Cardinal Clemens August Graf von Galen. That fact I was told by total strangers officially, and again not by my family, after my father had passed away in 2008. That is a subject for another time.

Through the strong presence and much loved links between the British Army and Civilian and academic and cultural organisations many German people of the Baby Boomer generation, including me, were 

immersing and embracing the very best of Bristish culture.

As soon as I could read myself and I lived in the worlds of British authors, stirring my soul into yearning to one day live in London. My first school trip abroad to London in 1979 turned the desire into a plan to eventually come and live here, as I loved the charm, the patience, the politeness and compassiin and the respect for the human dignity and conscience - so very different and soul-liberating in comparison to the many secret fascist spiderwebs, still active in and out of Germany.

My primary school teacher was a relative of the Nazi officer, who had promised to kill my grandfather after the war, which they did five days he had become a cardinal, in 1946. My grandfather had realised, how the fascists were desperate after the war to expand their spiderwebs via the churches and he had planned to leave eventually for England to help with the prosecution of Nazi war criminals.

In order to create a fruitful and peaceful life for future generations, we are all called to do our bit.
Let's share our skills, expertise and gifts selflessly and let's walk as many extra-miles forward in an unshakable faith in the human spirit.

We must not taken for granted the selflessness of the numerous security agents, law enforcement officers and soldiers, who have laid down their lives and are jumping into harm's way without hesitation to kerp us all safe and to make sure that we can sleep without the worry for our very survival wach night.

It is often the small things in life that have the biggest impact on the human soul. The kindness of a Bobby reassuring a schoolgirl from Germany gone lost in Central London. The smile of an elderly lady over a vintage glass of sherry in a pub as a reward for years of  hard work paying finally off, when she says: 'I thought you are from England! You have no German accent at all!'

In my time as a student, there were small seeds of understanding and mutual trust and friendship sown via pen pals, student exchanges and scholarships, nanny live ins, and numerous concerts and arts and literature and theatre events that now also blossom in business partnerships, cultural exchange, academic research, cybersecurity and law enforcement collaboration.

Look beyond Brexit at the Milky Way! We must take, what is good and proper and decent from the past, and build on it for the future generations. Let us draw on the legacy also of the souls, who went before us and let us grow together in the spirit of understanding and knowledge and compassion that only comes from a loving heart that has seen more than it should have ever to witness and to endure!

We are all called to make our contributions and the right active choices to what is right in whatever way and skill set we have been given and work together with all, who care enough to share their expertise, thoughts and visions for a peaceful and fruitful collaboration that benefits every nation.

Let's drive out and cut off the still active dark fascist forces in all their disguises and start afresh in the spirit of mutual trust and true friendship.

Every agreement is only ever worth the paper, and will survive against all odds, when its words are lived by the ones, who sign it and by those, whom they represent.

We will all be judged one day by the highest judge of all, and not just by history and future generations, as true merits are rarely measured nor helped  by self-serving manipulated PR-stunt polls.

The anatomy of peace and of a flourishing nation is visible in how much it is protecting from harm especially the vulnerable and nourishinf the human spirit and defending conscience and human dignity with good sustainable ways of production and via free health are and education.

Where there is peace in people's heart the investment into moral and physical health pays off!

