The Hidden Threat codes, Punishment and Execution Rites of Secret Societies: More than meets the eye - Croydon Cat Killer

From Croydon Cat Killings, Human Body Decapitation to Poisonous Tooth Fillings, The Hidden Threat codes, Vices Degrees and Punishment and Execution Rites of Secret Societies: More than meets the eye, An Investigation into the Machinery and Anatomy of organised white collar criminality, 

By Sigrid Countess von Galen


Secret societies like the Freemasons and Templars have always used the path of death compiled from rituals from books of various cultures of death as their daily bread and increasingly on the way up their snake ladder in their degree work, which is basically the secret rising of vices instead of virtues, the Ten Commandments or Kabbalistic Tree reversed, and the shining of the black sun of darkness and mirrors.

Animal killings and decapitations have also been used systematically to intimidate and silence potential whistleblowers and victims and their families and friends to 'demonstrate', what would or could be done to a human being ultimately, as a pre-step for murdering a target or loose end, and as a method of punishment for a doubting Thomas in their midst.

The investigation is looking into the hidden and forbidden anatomy of a culture of death, which is dwelling in the minds and psyche of not just secret societies but increassingly in regrouped dangerous associations of criminal notoriety also disguised as scientific research, medical treatment or educational facility or charity.

It makes visible existing spiderwebs and instruments of evil in society, locally, nationally, and internationally that are recruiting and employing ancient and state of the art warfaring methodologies and equipment, and are ready to go on a scale of a para-military operation and mercenary multi-disciplinary army which includes all generations also of many a family.

