The International Church Victims Commission Abuse and Organised Criminality in the Churches, A Long-Term Investigation

The International Church Victims Commission

Abuse and Organised Criminality in the Churches,
A Long-Term Investigation

A Multi-Disciplinary Taskforce Investigation has been carried out over almost two decades from 1999 to present into numerous allegations of CSA, ritual abuse, child abduction, enforced adoption, rape, sexual grooming, illegal human experimentation, human egg theft and multi-parent IVF, illegal gene manipulation and many other crimes comitted and facilitated by the Vatican, Anglican and Lutheran churches.

Due to secrecy and enforced silencing of clergy, it was extremely difficult for a long time for the victims and whistleblowers to even speak out aloud the unspeakable crimes and the unimaginable suffering and ongoing traumas they were and are going through on a daily basis.

Diplomatic immunity protected the highest ranks of the churches from prosecution and threatening strategies and outright psychological warfare methodologies and even murder of friends and family members were used in order to prevent victims from pressing charges. 

From 2008, the Vatican increasingly engaged with Anglican priests, bishops and archbishops, especially of the Oxford Movement, and also with the notorious Sisters of St Margaret and the Little Sisters, via Walsingham, Boston and Westminster Cathedral, to facilitate an old post-WWII plan for the new world order empire to emerge through the ancient routes and posts of the combined churches, with the secret plotters from the Anglican and Lutheran churches joining forces with the Vatican.

John Broadhurst already saw himself as the first English pope, or at least cardinal, as he was secretly striking his deal with Christoph Schoenborn, who himself had papal and secretly the fourth fascist empire leader ambitions.

John Broadhurst facilitated in the process organised criminality, accordingly to his former clergy, and his fellow bishops secretly infiltrated all sorts of networks of freemasonry and Templars, and were aided in their crimes and cover ups, especially of widespread CSA, and the disappearing of numerous children, also via Tony Blair's circle and by rogue agents of international agencies, who collaborated on sabotaging witness protection and had a huge part in framing their good and decent colleagues, who had gathered evidence against them.

The churches were instrumental in committing and facilitating organised criminality and even sponsoring terror plots, accordingly to East End board members of charities in health, education. Rogue CIA, MI5&6 agents but also agents turned mercenaries from the BND, and many other agencies and their assets from multi-disciplinary fields, incl. social science departments were simulating i.e. social services and mimicking procedures to rip children off their families into enforced adoption.

There was a particularly vicious cell of mercenaries, posing as gay couples, who were active as lawyers and church board members and churchwardens, and who strategically collaborated on 'supplying' children for enforced adoption just for abusing and raping the children in a legal setting, some also being groomed into forced prostitution and slavery under the disguise of adoption.

Bishops also had whistleblowing heterosexual priests gagged and gang raped and/or tortured. The victims were also subjected to mind altering drugs. Victims also reported that they had been groomed into illegal hormonal treatments and teenagers from Sunday school bribed into becoming surrogate mothers for gay couples. 

Social workers testified that they were forced to turn blind eyes on grooming and enforced adoptions by their superiors, who had links to churches and religious orders and/or to secret dangerous associations like freemasonry and Templars. 

It is extremely agonising for victims of church crimes that the churches from all perpetrators show the least compassion, mercy and repentance for those, who suffered at their hands! Confessions, if they ever come voluntarily, are full of concessions on the truth, and the victims almost always shared the same stations of their cross - they had to bear the arrogance of the evildoers and the institution, slander, isolation, stalking, loss of job, family and friends, were framed or even murdered.

Many suffer from long-term PTSD, and have also physical scars or ailments as a consequence.

There is help and support available, from therapies, healing to legal advice and representation. Don't suffer in silence! Report a crime and testify and connect to other victims and partners, who are there to help in any way they can.

It is time to turn even the Vatican round table on organised crime!

Sigrid Countess von Galen,
Chair, The International Church Victims Commission
