Justice finally on the Courtroom Table: Victims' Testimony is not a Fable, by Countess Sigrid von Galen

Justice on the Table: Law Professors enable Prosecution against 'Anonymous' for Charges of CSA in
the Diocese of Muenster!

By Countess Sigrid von Galen

Finally, it looks like Josef Ratzinger & Co can no longer force witnesses and victims and their families and friends into submission, silence nor kill and cover up under abuse of immunity ...

The time has come, where the Catholic and many other religious community has to take up their responsibility for having enabled and facilitated organised criminality from
ritual to sexual abuse, fraud, trafficking, enforced adoption, slander, framing, money laundering, sponsoring of terrorism and much more.

The purposefully blind and deaf are forced to see and hear the evidence in

And, one day, even Josef Ratzinger the fascist prince of darkness will have to stand before a higher power and be condemned for eternity with all his sins retained unless he puts wrong right and ends his criminal fight against all, whom he had stained and in body or reputation stained!
