Clemens August Graf von Galen: 75th Anniversary/In Memoriam, by Sigrid Gräfin von Galen

Clemens August Graf von Galen: 75th Anniversary/In Memoriam, Part 1, 

by Sigrid Gräfin von Galen

The 75th anniversary of Clemens August Graf von Galen's death is the right time to remind the popes and other church leaders also of other churches to come clear regarding the truth and nothing but the truth.

As the facts about his untimely death are to me - thanks to many a law and secret service agency, whom I assist against fascism and Organised Criminality - near, 

and I am still prevented by the Vatican to lay down together with my family at his grave as his granddaughter a wreath but I no longer hold in silence my breath because too many times have I and too many others been threatened with my or their friends' death!

The Vatican still prefers instead to put me and also any witnesses and loose ends, who can't be bribed and silenced with flattery and favours, to his illegitimate son to the slaughter.

Therefore, I decided to compile a tribute to my grandfather from my exile in London. And I would like to use this opportunity to thank the various British agencies, who protected me over the decade on this country, for their dedication far beyond their line of duty!

One day, the Vatican but also their hidden fascist allies in the Anglican and Lutheran churches will have to admit that my grandfather was murdered only a few days after he was made Cardinal, 

as he made it very clear that he did not want anything to do with a secret fascist English-American-German-Roman empire in a new 'one' church that was plotted in 1946 for the post-war Germany.

He was willing to testify against war criminals on highest levels and to come to England as a witness as a private person but, of course, he knew that he would not be able to do just that, as the hidden Nazi leadership had a long arm in the Vatican and in Münster and London and, thus, he became in the end a martyr after all.

I have compiled some links that lead the reader to see Clemens August Graf von Galen from a side that is nowhere mentioned in a church or history book - yet!

I act out of my grandfather's motto: 'One must God more obey than man!' And with: 'NEC LAUDIBUS NEC TIMORE!' I look all those in the eye, who would rather see me drop dead in front of them, silenced forever!

I don't go without having made the truth known. It is my burden and my solemn responsibility!

Sigrid Gräfin von Galen 

Part 1:

Check out Sigrid Gräfin von Galen's video! #TikTok #NECLAUDIBUSNECTIMORE #ClemensAugustGrafvonGalen #75thAnniversaryEdition

Sigrid Gräfin von Galen
(Countess Sigrid von Galen)

Twitter:@instcrimjust @haggerstonkaleidoscope
