Clemens August Graf von Galen: 75th Anniversary/In Memoriam, Part 2, by Sigrid Gräfin von Galen

Clemens August Graf von Galen: 75th Anniversary/In Memoriam, Part 2,

by Sigrid Gräfin von Galen

Clemens August Graf von Galen was my paternal grandfather. My whole life I was targeted and 'marked' for this without my knowing.

I was only told after my father's passing in 2008 that he was Clemens August Graf von Galen's illegitimate son. The reader might - or, probably, more likely, might not feel the shock of these news as I did.

Even now, it is barely sinking into my bones, and I only started to write under the family name, when it became clear that lives depended on it!

I have always worked hard all my life to stand up with conviction against fascism and the injustices of the churches and elsewhere - 

In the first part I compiled links that focussed on Clemens August Graf von Galen with the unpublished aspects of his life.

Now I am adding some links to writings about the consequences, burden and solemn responsibility that speaking out entail on behalf of the voiceless against those, who abuse power and immunity, like the churches, by also carrying on my shoulder the von Galen family history.

Part 2 

Check out Sigrid Gräfin von Galen's video! #TikTok #NECLAUDIBUSNECTIMORE #ClemensAugustGrafvonGalen #75thAnniversaryEdition

Sigrid Gräfin von Galen
(Countess Sigrid von Galen)

Twitter:@instcrimjust @haggerstonkaleidoscope
