
In der Himmelreichallee geboren, und auch die Sternstrasse war als Rettungsstation fuer zwei Engel auserkoren, Graefin Sigrid von Galen

James John Westcott House Exclusive: The Secret Oxford Movement

Sustainable Counter-Terrorism Strategies against the Disguises of Schism used to conceal Sponsored Terrorism and Organised Criminality, by Countess Sigrid von Galen

Sustainable Counter-Terrorism Strategies against the Disguises of Schism used to conceal Sponsored Terrorism and Organised Criminality

Brexit Negotiations entail Obligations of all the Nations to counteract terrorism, prevent social harm and disrupt organised criminality, and to also the most vulnerable not to fail! Frameworks and New Supranational Considerations By Countess Sigrid von Galen

The Hidden Threat codes, Punishment and Execution Rites of Secret Societies: More than meets the eye - Croydon Cat Killer

Report: The Ley Lines of Hidden Organised criminality in the City of London Guild Churches and their dangerous international associations and multiple White collar Crime affiliations, compiled by the Independent International Investigative Specialist Taskforce