
Get in touch without fear and be heard. Alternative witness protection by witnesses.

Arye Sharuz Shalicar: 'The New German Antisemite, Do Jews still have a home in Germany today? A personal Analysis'

Let us bless Life and Humanity - Sharing Thoughts on Spirituality with Prof.em.Dr. Vladimir Golstein from Yale University

NEC LAUDIBUS NEC TIMORE, By Countess Sigrid von Galen

Imagine - there were no immunity for Popes and they had no Hopes for getting away with Crimes against Humanity and Organised Criminality, by Countess Sigrid von Galen

"Oranges and Lemons" - Fascism Bells are cast out together with self-styled demons of International High-Finance Hells, by Countess Sigrid von Galen

Justice finally on the Courtroom Table: Victims' Testimony is not a Fable, by Countess Sigrid von Galen

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, better write a historic truth letter and make to the Truth the right Call!

Lest we forget! Stand up to Fascism! Countess Sigrid von Galen

Stand up to Fascism and Organised Criminality, as it is intertwined internationally! Countess Sigrid von Galen

Can I have a word, please, in the Light of the Truth? About Peace Negotiations and International Affairs Investigations, by Countess Sigrid von Galen

The truth and nothing but the truth - no matter what! Fiat iustitia, Fiat pax! By Countess Sigrid von Galen

Who guards the Guardians not just of the Walsingham shrine but also in the CoE? By Countess Sigrid von Galen

The Lion's Roar from the Grave, by Sigrid Gräfin von Galen

Brexit - and what does an Archbishop know about Corexit

REFLECTION: by James John Westcott

Aphorism, from: The Torah, A Women's Commentary

From Bishop's secret decree to murderous Freemasonry degree and Gagging Order - the St Paul's Whisper Gallery, by Sigrid Gräfin von Galen

The Independent World Peace Council of Faith Leaders

Hypocrisy vs. Happiness, by Countess Sigrid von Galen

Der Tod war und ist ein Meister aus Deutschland (Death was a Master from Germany), by Countess Sigrid von Galen

R.I.P. Honor Nuala Muellan-Hughes

Imagine: John Dee's Mirror broken, and an archbishop has no longer his Black Op licence token